What is Feudalism


Feudalism is a system of promise that governed the relationship between lords and vassals. A lord is a ruler of land and a vassal is an exchange of protection for land. Feudalism separates people from greatest to smallest, or powerful to weak. For example the a rich man with lots of money or land could pay or give land to someone for exchange for them to protect them or their land. If you have money and land you have protection.

 Lord and Vassal duties

Lords and vassals was the main concept in feudalism. For each an everyone of them there were different responsibilities toward one another.
The duties a lord follows threw with are some what easy. for example a lord would send help to a vassal that was attacked. A lord wasn't able to punish or cheat there vassal for any reason. If a lord didn't follow threw with his word, the vassal could break ties with that person.

A vassal, when ever a lord went to war he would call on his vassals to fight with him fight wasn't the only duties a vassal had to handle. One example was a vassal had to give their lord money on special occasions. Like when the lords son is born or his daughter i getting married. A vassal also had to give food and shelter to the lord if he was visiting. If a vassal owned enough land he could have vassals himself, making him a lord.

Feudalism obligations could become very confusing in many ways.

Feudal Society

1. Kings and queens were the greatest lords of Europe, and all nobles and knights were their vassals.
2. Nobles were vassals of the king and queen. Many were also lords of lower-ranking nobles and knights. 
3.Knights served their noble lords in exchange for land.
4.Peasents owned no land, so they were not part of the feudal system. But many peasants worked on land owned by nobles or knights.