Kings and Popes

King and popes

Excommunicate: Cast out from the church
Popes had spiritual power, with this they had political power. When the Roman Empire collapsed, people looked up to the popes for spiritual guiding. As a result of that some pope lived as royalty. Popes became rich and built huge places. Popes were seen as a representative of god. mostly everyone belonged to th church in the Middle Ages.

In the year 1000 of the Middle Ages land was divided into states, ruled by kings. Some had few power. But soon kings gained control of their real power. In England and France kings get the throne from their father. Nobles would rebel, but the king would regain power quickly. 

Fight over power

Western considered popes to have more power than kings, But in the East it was opposite. Bishops controlled religious matters, almost no guidance from the pope. Popes tried to increase their power by saying people should answer to the popes.

Leo IX formed different churches for different opinion between bishops. For example Christians who agreed with the bishops of Constantinople formed the Orthodox Church.

kings began to disagree and demand control of choice to bishops. A curtain man gave his disapproval, his name was Emperor Henry IV. Many things happen and popes came to be angry.
These things still are going on today.